Installation Guide
You will be provided with the following devices:
- Vehicle tracking device (Motorna).
- Dash camera.
- Smartwatch (Fitbit Sense 2).
Step 1: install the dashcam
Step 2: Configure the dashcam to VSS Platform
1. download 【 Howen ITool 】 APK from App store or Google Play Store to your Android phone / tablet for device configuration.
2. restart / power on dashcam by removing power supply, then it will publish a WiFi AP called 【AP_XXXXX】,use the phone which has 【Howen ITool】 to connect the AP through WiFi, the WiFi password is 12345678 or 88888888.
3. then open Howen ITool APP – input password 111111 – go to 【settings】 tab on bottom menu of ITool – enter network tab – enter center tab – configure ip of server 2 to ( VSS platform ), port to 33000, select H-Protocol – save.
4. Insert sim card to device – go to 【settings】 tab on bottom menu of ITool – enter network tab – enter dial tab – select appropriate network type ( suggest to use 4G sim card, and please select FDD-LTE1 as network type here ) and APN name as per your sim – other settings remain as what they are currenttly on dial tab – save.
5. Go to 【settings】 tab on bottom menu of ITool – enter system tab – enter terminal tab – change device ID to KSA000x ( x number will be provided) – save.
6. Insert TF card to the device.
Step 1: Insert the SIM card
Step 2: Plug in Motorna into the OBD port
Step 3: Download Motorna App from App store or Google Play store, and register your car
Utilizing Fitbit Sense 2